Category: Blog Articles

Featured in EXPAT LIVING

What exactly is myofascial release therapy? Are you trying to find a remedy for a debilitating problem such as low back pain, whiplash or frozen shoulder – one that doesn’t require medication or a strenuous bone-setting session (the traditional Chinese method of die da)? If so, you might want to consider myofascial release massage and bodywork, an alternative treatment that’s been making waves in recent years. You can experience this massage therapy service in the comfort of your own home with Singapore’s therapeutic home massage service, Earth Body. First, what exactly is myofascial release? “Myofascial release is about working on the layers of your fascia tissue, the tough membranes that support and surround nerves, muscles, blood vessels, bones and other organs in your body,” explains Sasha, the founder of Earth Body. “It’s about manual pressure and a lot of stretching.” “My work with myofascial release is all about lengthening the fascia tissue and opening things up. I work a lot with gravity, using it to my advantage. The various techniques address different issues such as whiplash, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, rounded shoulder and many more. Every session is unique. It also depends on what the body needs. Even if the same person [...]
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Rounded and Frozen Shoulders – how are they connected?

Rounded and Frozen Shoulders - how are they connected? People suffering from frozen shoulder tend to have a posture that's more rounded in the shoulders like a 'hunchback'. The easiest way to fix this is to correct one's posture. Sasha's techniques focus on realigning the shoulder blades back and flat across one's upper back and retract the chin, to have it in line with one's neck. Prioritising good shoulder postures ought to be a habit. For instance, check in with yourself every 30 minutes to reassess where your shoulders are sitting, raise desk or lower chair, bring your computer/tablet closer to your body or even have a loved one let you know if you're slouching! By making some simple adjustments, you can create an important situation for pulling those shoulders back and heighten the chances they'll stay there!
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How it began

Many people asked “How did you become a therapist?” Interesting - it all began on one fateful evening where I had dinner with my peers. It had been an eventful week at work and we were so looking forward to dinner that night. We concluded on italian, and we were ordering. Incidentally the waiter was new and had little knowledge with regards to the options. A friend got impatient and upset with the constant back and forth checking with the kitchen on the availability and she blew her top on the waiter. I was taken aback when that happened, and could not brush it off my mind. I started thinking if that action was even necessary. Following the incident, I did a reflection on life which brought me to a journey in pursuit of a new career in line with my beliefs. I then discovered this scientific yet artistic profession which complements the zen energy that I have inculcated. I took a leap of faith and did a mid career switch. It is the darndest thing I have ever done, and it was totally worth it! Life has never been more rewarding and fulfilling, and never have I regretted my [...]
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